- Students: 500 dh (50 euros)
- Academics: 1000 dh (100 euros)
- Others: 1000 dh (100 euros)
- References of the bank account
- Name of the Bank: Attijariwafabank
- Account Number RIB: 007 720 0000 00 444 5 000020 27
- Address : 19 av Mohammed V, 93 000 Tetouan, Morocco
- Tel/Fax: 00 212 5 39 96 31 46
- Name of the owner of the ACCOUNT: Association (WCED)
- Address: Faculty of Sciences of Tetuan BP 2578, 93002 Mhannech Tetouan
- Mobile: 00 212 61 81 91 00
- e-mail : cmed01@gmail.com